This dataset shows information about each traffic crash since 2011 on city streets within the City of Gainesville limits and under the jurisdiction of Gainesville Police Department (GPD).
Data shown are more than 60 days from when accidents occurred due to Florida Statutes 316.066.
In 2021, Florida reporting of crime data began a transition from Summary Reporting System (SRS) to National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS), causing an effect on crime statistics reported by Law Enforcement Agencies such as the Gainesville Police Department who made this transition on November 16, 2021. The effect would be an increase in crime due to the elimination of the SRS Hierarchy Rule which collected only the most serious offense in an incident while NIBRS will now capture up to 10 offenses per incident and specifies more offense categories than SRS. The inclusion of these crimes, particularly property crimes, will reflect an increase in crime when switching from SRS reporting to NIBRS' reporting. The apparent increase (usually not greater than 2.7%) is simply due to the difference between how crimes are counted in NIBRS versus the SRS and its application of the Hierarchy Rule. More information regarding NIBRS effect on crime statistics can be found on the following link: