For NPDES Stormwater sewer system enhanced mapping project. Contains a GIS polygon feature class of stormwater basins in Gainesville, FL as a result of the NPDES stormwater system mapping project. This feature does not participate in the GIS network, and is for cartographic purposes only. This file is current only up to 02/04/08 and may be incomplete, and only covers those areas of Gainesville, FL that have been mapped up to 02/04/08. The file is also subject to constant updating as project progresses. This feature class is for informational purposes only. Do not rely on this file for accuracy of dimensions, size or location. The City of Gainesville does not assume responsibility to update this information for any error or omission in this file. This shapefile may indicate the zoning/land use on the properties as shown. Do not rely on this file for accuracy of dimensions. For specific information, contact the City of Gainesville, Florida.